
God Of Gambling


The following Bible Study is by Dr. Robert J. Hitchens, President, Maryland Baptist Bible College, and is reprinted from the Maranatha Baptist Watchman, August 1996; used by permission (Maranatha Baptist Church, 3141 Old Elk Neck Rd., Elkton, Maryland 21921)

Hermes is the Greek god of gambling, profit, hazard, and gaming. Hermes was the winged messenger of the gods. He was the god of flocks, road, trading, commerce, thieves. He is also known as Mercury in Roman Mythology. His father is Zeus, the ruler of the Greek gods. Thoth is the Egyptian god of gambling. The answer to that is that God’s work is to be supported by the sacrificial giving of God’s people and not by raffles, bingo, or lotteries. Furthermore there is no such thing as harmless gambling any more than there is such a thing as harmless greed. Also known as the God of gambling, hazard, earning and gaming, Hermes was the one that players prayed to prior to participating in a gambling game. In fact, in some myths, Hermes is also depicted as a trickster, able to outwit the other gods either for the good of the humankind or for his own personal satisfaction and amusement.

The United States of America has entered into a love affair with gambling. Twenty seven states have casinos and several others are on the verge of legalization along with the lotteries, bingo games, card rooms and para-mutual betting already in existence. In 1994 U.S. citizens wagered $482 billion dollars on all forms of gambling. Many cash-strapped states see it as a way to increase revenue without raising taxes. Local economies also welcome the gaming industry because of the jobs that are provided. According to a poll conducted in 1994, 89% of the respondents said they approved of casino gambling. But what are the effects on families, on individuals, and on society itself? The effects, I believe, are deep and far-reaching.

First of all, gambling promotes covetousness. It tempts people with the possibility of easy riches. 1 Timothy 6:10 says, “For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some have coveted after, they have pierced themselves through with many sorrows.” Thus it becomes a violation of the 10th commandment, “Thou shalt not covet.”

Second, gambling wastes money. Some may have an abundance and not miss the losses. However, multitudes do not have it to spare. Studies show that people with incomes under $10,000 a year spend a larger percentage of their money on lotteries than those with higher incomes. According to a recent article in U.S. News and World Report, welfare recipients in Minnesota are withdrawing more than $400,000 dollars a year from ATMs at state run casinos. It could be argued that the money would be spent foolishly some other way were it not for the casinos, but we do not know that. Undoubtedly, there are families going without the necessities of life because mom or dad have been deluded into thinking they are going to strike it rich. Luke 16:2, “And he called him, and said unto him, How is it that I hear this of thee? give an account of thy stewardship; for thou mayest be no longer steward.”

Third, gambling is addictive. In the same U.S. News and World Report article referred to earlier, Sociologist Rachel Volberg found that four years after the state of Iowa legalized riverboat gambling, the number of problem gamblers had tripled. And stories of ruined credit, bankruptcies, theft and even suicide are numerous. One compulsive gambler from Illinois said, “Casinos are the crack cocaine of gambling.” I Corinthians 6:12, “All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.”

Fourth, gambling attracts the criminal element. The U.S. News and World Report article says that towns with casinos have experienced an upsurge of crime at the same time that crime as a whole was dropping in the rest of the nation. A 1994 survey revealed that crime rose 5.8% in those towns, while crime as a whole dropped 2% nationally. The 31 towns that got new casinos just the year before saw their crime rate rise 7.7%.

Fifth, gambling is a form of stealing. Dr. G. Campbell Morgan, the great 19th-century preacher wrote, “...the whole habit of gambling is of the essence of theft, and this for the reason that it is a means of coming into possession of property for which one has done no honest work. Whether their practices are gilded by the glory of a court, or tarnished by the vulgarity of a slum, the gambler is a thief in the sight of God, and ought therefore to be so in the sight of all honest men.” Ephesians 4:28, “Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth.”

God Of Gambling

Sixth, gambling costs society more than the revenues it produces. When the members of Gamblers Anonymous of Illinois were surveyed in 1994, 26% said they had divorced or separated because of gambling, 34% had lost or quit a job, 44% had stolen things from work, 21% had filed for bankruptcy, 18% had gambling related arrests, 66% had contemplated suicide, and 16% had attempted suicide. The costs for services for compulsive gamblers, including treatment and court expenses, has been estimated at between $13,000 and $35,000 per person. Estimates of the number of compulsive gamblers in America are between 6 and 10 million! You do the math! Job 4:8, “Even as I have seen, they that plow iniquity, and sow wickedness, reap the same.”

Seventh, the gaming industry does not make or create anything. Such an industry is a parasite. It exists only because of the productivity of others. Money is shifted around without any tangible goods being produced, and most of it ends up in the pockets of the casino owners.

Eighth, legalized gambling makes the government a promoter of a “get something for nothing” attitude. Our nation has enough problems without government adding its endorsement to this evil. In reality, government should set the example of morality and righteousness in a nation. Romans 13:4 says that the ruler is “the minister of God to thee for good.” But there is nothing “good” about encouraging people to lose their hard-earned money at the casino or the race track, or in the lottery. A nation that encourages such conduct is gambling with its own future. II Thessalonians 3:10, “For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.”

Ninth, legalized gambling destroys morals, character, and leads to a more decadent society. Just because something has been legalized by passing a law, does not make it right, and the evidence is abundant that society suffers when gambling reigns. America has ills which many think can be cured by revenues from games of chance. But the spiritual effects will plunge this nation further down into the pit of degradation. “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap,” Galatians 6:7.

As a continuation of the message by Dr. Hitchens, Let us add:

Tenth, gambling violates the Biblical work ethic. God expects us to work for our money. “Wealth gotten by vanity shall be diminished: but he that gathereth by labour shall increase,” Proverbs 13:11. “A faithful man shall abound with blessings: but he that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent,” Proverbs 28 20. “Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth,” Ephesians 4:28. We are not to increase our income by gambling. God’s plan is for us to work for our income. As stated before, II Thessalonians 3:10 says, “For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.”

Eleventh, gambling eliminates God as our Provider. Gambling robs God of the opportunity to provide for us. “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus,” Philippians 4:19. You say, “Maybe I’ll win enough to buy some of the extra things I need.” “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you,” Matthew 6:33. God wants us to look to Him for our provision, not to gambling. “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon,” Matthew 6:24. Gambling substitutes our God for another.

Twelfth, gambling attacks the concept of stewardship. All that we have belongs to God. The 10 percent tithe that we give to the Lord definitely belongs to Him, but the 90 percent we keep also belongs to God. God is absolutely against His steward spending any money on gambling, even a one-dollar bet or the cost of a stamp for an entry form.

You say, “But God gave me some extra money. I don’t need this money to live on It’s not a big deal.” “Go to now, ye that say, To day or to morrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain: Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away,” James 4:13-14. The big deal is that the extra money God provided may be for something down the road that you don’t know about yet. God is against gambling, and His Word gives these twelve proofs that gambling is wrong. Can you picture Jesus gambling on the Dallas Cowboys? You say, “That’s ridiculous!” Then it should also be ridiculous in the life of a Christian. If we choose to obey God’s Word, it will sharpen our discernment. If we disobey God’s Word on gambling, it will dull our senses to the truth needed in the next step God has for us.

In the strictest sense, gambling is a sin as much as false weights and measures (Proverbs 16;1, 20:10,23). Enticing someone to gain money at the certain loss of another violates virtually every principle Christ taught. It not only breeds selfishness, greed and covetousness, but, in fact, promotes them. Philippians 3:18-19 says, “For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.”

Regardless of how socially acceptable gambling has become, it is still preying on the weaknesses of others. It does not help in spreading the gospel and therefore is a sin to a follower of Jesus Christ. Colossians 1:10 says, “That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God;”

Many believers are guilty of supporting lotteries, bingo and racing, believing gambling doesn’t hurt anyone. How about the missionaries around the world who need support, church buildings, literature, Bibles, etc.? What about the souls they could reach?

Our value system is passed on to others—our families, friends and neighbors. If the value system of believers is no better than that of the world, we have truly conformed to its image.

In closing, what about the lot? Proverbs 16:33 says, “The lot is cast into the lap; but the whole disposing thereof is of the LORD.” The lot was not a form of gambling but of solving a difference. For instance, who gets the ball first in a football game? Let’s have a coin flip. That’s fair, but it is not gambling. It solves a difference. The lot was used similarly.

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The history of the gods of gambling and gambling in general reaches far back into the mists of time, almost to humankind’s beginnings. People have always loved the adrenaline rush of games of chance. Some ancient cultures even used dice games and throwing coins to settle disputes and earn slaves their freedom.

People often used to turn to the divine inspiration of gambling gods and goddesses before making their bets. Some still continue this tradition to this day. We’ll now look at some of the well-known gods and goddesses of gambling.

Lakshmi – The Indian Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity

Lakshmi is the Hindu Goddess of wealth and prosperity, but she is also linked to Buddhism and Jainism.

Lakshmi is the eternal consort of Vishnu, the most important Hindu god, and is also the source of his strength. After she emerged from the chaos of the primordial ocean, worshippers regarded her as a symbol of good fortune and prosperity.

She can bring luck and wealth, but she despises the greediness they can cause, and she is happy to scorn whoever deserves it. She hid at the bottom of the sea for a thousand years when Indra, the god of war, became too arrogant for her liking. She left him alone, fighting a losing battle against demons.

The gods finally lifted her from the ocean to help defeat the demon attackers after Indra made amends. This tale cautions us that while Lakshmi will reward the deserving, she will also bring a terrible fate to the unworthy and greedy.

Worshippers celebrate Lakshmi on Diwali, the Festival of Lights. Many of her worshippers will try to gamble after the festival, as they believe she will bless them with good luck for their dedication.

If playing at Indian online casino sites perhaps Lakshmi is the god you should turn to.

Hermes – Greek God of Gambling

Norse god of gambling

Gambling has always had a place in Greek mythology. According to the legends, the sky, sea and the underworld were divided between the gods Zeus, Hades and Poseidon after a roll of dice. Hades got the worst roll and thus the last choice of all the gods.

Greek Gambling God Hermes, son of Zeus, is often depicted as a messenger to the gods with winged sandals and a small round helmet. This divine trickster can outwit other gods, and he’s able to move between the mortal and divine worlds. He’s also a conductor of souls to the afterlife and a guide to the Underworld.

Not only is Hermes credited with inventing the alphabet and fire, but he is also said to have invented dice, and gamblers worship him as a god of luck and wealth. He is often prayed to before a game of chance such as slots, roulette, video poker and table games. The outcome of these is usually influenced by a random number generator where contestants bet money on the outcome. Most games of chance require no skill.

The ancient Greeks also identified Hermes with the Egyptian God, Thoth.

Thoth – The Egyptian God of the Moon, Magic Wisdom, Gambling and Time

Thoth, the Egyptian god of wisdom, writing, hieroglyphs, magic, science, art, judgement and the dead, is also said to supervise gambling. Thoth is usually portrayed with the head of an Ibis bird and the body of a man.

As they share similarities, many regard Thoth as the Egyptian counterpart of Hermes. Yet, unlike Hermes, legends say Thoth created himself. During ancient times, they were even worshipped together in the Temple of Thoth in Khemenu.

Ancient Egyptian religious rituals often included the throwing of sticks or pebbles. The number of objects on the ground was then counted to confirm the outcome. An even number indicated a positive outcome and odd a negative one. Historians assume that this form of divination developed into the gambling of today.

Thoth is also said to be the arbitrator of godly disputes, which were often resolved through a game of dice.


Macuilxochitl, or “Five Flower” is the Aztec God of music, dance, flowers and gambling. He is one of five deities of indulgence and excess. He is a highly respected god in this culture, as he has a reputation as a malicious and vengeful deity.

Macuilxochitl is the god who draws the line between reasonable pleasure and excess. He can punish those who anger him with boils, venereal disease and haemorrhoids.

It may seem like a paradox to pray to a God whose duty is to warn about excess, but if you’re going to engage in these acts it’s probably a good idea to appease the one who will be deciding your fate. The Aztecs prayed and sacrificed to Macuilxochitl to stay on his good side.


Nezha is a mischievous Chinese god of fortune and gambling. He is often asked for help with gambling and lotteries and is the only Chinese god mischievous enough to reveal winning numbers.

Nezha has a unique and interesting back story. Legends say he was born during the Shang Dynasty after his mother had been pregnant with him for three years and six months. He was born in the body of a small boy and not as a baby.

Ao-Ping, the son of the Dragon King confronted him and there was a battle. Nezha won the fight and killed his enemy.

Ao-Kuang, the Dragon King, demanded revenge, and this lead to Nezha committing suicide to protect and his family. He eventually came back to life to become a demon-slaying hero with his father, Li Jing.

Years later, he went to Heaven as a reward for his past deeds. People on Earth began to worship him and pray for his protection.

Nohoilpi, Navajo God of Gambling

Known as the Great Gambler, Nohoilpi is the Navajo God of Gambling. This god loved games and was always winning at them. He would tempt people and challenge them to games he knew he would win.

Nohoilpi wears a huge turquoise talisman, the lucky charm of a gambler.

God Of Gambling Greek

According to Navajo legend, Nohoilpi came to earth to teach gambling to men. He soon fared better at the games than all men, and started winning their wives and children, their properties and sometimes even the men themselves.

The people continued gambling with Nohoilpi, even after sustaining severe losses. People came from great distances to gamble with the god, who got extremely arrogant after winning bet after bet.

Nohoilpi used these enslaved people to build a city in his honour. Other Navajo gods noticed this abuse of power and devised a plan to teach him a lesson.

During a magical night, Navajo gods gave an ordinary man special powers to beat Nohoilpi at gambling and win the freedom of the slaves. With the gods’ help, the man won, and Nohoilpi was stripped of all his belongings and sent away into the sky. The enslaved people were freed.

This tale cautions every gambler that there are consequences for greed, and not even a god of gambling is safe from them.

Papa Legba

Papa Legba is the voodoo god who stands at the spiritual crossroads. He appears as an older man wearing a hat and walks with a cane. Sometimes he has a guitar, a deck of cards or a bottle of water.

Approach Papa Legba at the crossroads if you want to make a deal. He is exceedingly fond of gambling, especially cards. He also appreciates gifts of tobacco from his followers.

According to legend, Papa Legba gives or denies permission to speak with the spirits. He also speaks all human languages. Legba is also the god of speech, understanding and communication.

Greek God Of Gambling

Fortuna – Goddess of Fate, Luck and Abundance

Fortuna is the Roman goddess in charge of luck and fortune. She’s usually depicted with the wheel of fortune, a rudder and the horn of plenty. Her name has led to the English sayings of fortune and fate, such as “May the odds be ever in your favour”.

Fortuna’s also the one that may grant you a little bit of luck when you buy that lottery ticket.

GamblingSupremeIs going to the casino a sin


The Greek version of Fortuna, the goddess Tyche blesses people with good, and sometimes bad fortune. Hesoid, a Greek poet, called her a daughter of Oceanus and Tethys, but according to other writers the supreme Greek God, Zeus, is her father.

She is usually shown wearing a crown, winged, with a sceptre and cornucopia. Tyche sometimes appears blindfolded with different devices that represent uncertainty and risk.

Tyche acts a moderating influence. The goddess is also associated with Agathos Daimon, a good spirit that protects people and families, as well as Nemesis who punishes men who are too prosperous.

One of her monuments is a temple in Argos, where the first set of dice that was invented by Palamedes was dedicated to her.

Lofn, Goddess of Games

Lofn is a Norse goddess of love, but gamblers also call on her for luck or recovery from gambling addiction. She is one of the lesser-known inhabitants of Asgard.

Dnd God Of Gambling

She may bless the bold with good luck. People play games in her honour and adapt card games to have a “ghost player” so that the goddess can join in the fun.

Final Thoughts

When you find yourself in a casino with beautiful Greek, Hindu or Egyptian-themed slot machines, or you’re playing online games with these designs, take a moment to remember the rich history of those cultures. It’s fascinating to reflect on how the gods of gambling continue to influence modern punters.

Maybe you want to say a silent prayer to one of these influential gods in the hope of winning the next jackpot? Here’s hoping the gambling gods will bless you with the best of luck for your next play session.

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